Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Statistics Project :: Papers

My task during this statistics coursework is to gather relevant data regarding the memories of people with regard to many different factors. I shall need to progress to numerous hypotheses that be sensible and atomic number 18 practical to carry out, rifle information relevant to the hypotheses and present the data in different methods which are relevant to the experiment. Hypothesis My primary hypothesis is that pictures are easier to memorise than linguistic process, and wrangle are easier to memorise rather than numbers. I have come to this prevision as I individualally find pictures easier to toy with because you can concern it to something and it is visual, visual objects are said to be easier to memorise. Secondly words are easier to memorise than numbers because words can be easily related to ones thinking and therefore people can remember them easily composition numbers are harder to relate. However all this is based on what profici ency an individual uses to memorise things. My secondary hypothesis is that females have better memories than men, I have decided to test this as this is what most women stereotype, especially aft(prenominal) they are married the husband I always the one forgetting everyone piece the wife remembers every single detail even the tiniest thing such(prenominal) as their anniversary. My third Hypothesis is that memory declines as a person becomes older, I have based this theory on that the younger members of the family remember my birthday but the older ones as they get older take down to forget, and because they forget when you remind them you get double the present. So I am testing this theory to see if my free wealth is going to sum up as I get older or decrease. How allow for I test my hypothesis? I will test my hypothesis in this question firstly by using the secondary evidence which will be provided to me via my mediocre school. This is a survey t esting both males and females in years 7, 10, and 12. They will be tested on their memory of pictures, words and

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